The following information applies to all companies of the WSE Group.

As a general rule, you can use our website without providing any personal data. If personal data is processed by us, this will only happen if you voluntarily communicate this information to us of your own accord, e.g., by providing your name, address, and email address. The protection of your personal data is of great importance to us. Accordingly, we process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (GDPR, Austrian Telecommunications Act 2003). In this privacy statement, we inform you of the most important aspects of the data processing performed within the scope of our business relationship. We would like to assure you that since 05/25/2018, we have taken precautions across all our companies to ensure compliance with the statutory obligations of the GDPR and of the Austrian Data Protection Act, as we had previously done with regard to the Data Protection Act up until that point.

The processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “data”) takes place exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the contract pursuant to Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR in order to properly fulfill our contractual relationship. Specifically, the data is used for better establishment of contact, for documentation, and for fulfillment of the individual obligations of the respective contractual relationship. The exchange of data takes place in paper and/or electronic form and encompasses the following data categories:

Contact person: Name, phone number, email address, fax number
Contract/order data
Inquiries and related documents
Sending of offers, order confirmations, invoices
Bank details

We process your data for the duration of the contractual relationship, i.e., store your data in accordance with the statutory regulations: Fiscal retention period pursuant to § 132 Para. 1 Federal Fiscal Code: 7 years; furthermore, for as long as it is of relevance for the tax authorities in a pending proceeding; pursuant to § 933a Civil Code: 30 years. To fulfill the statutory obligations, disclosure of the data (Tax Office, tax consultancy, courts, Statistics Austria, insurance companies, banks, other authorities) may occur on a case-by-case basis. For parts of the data processing, we consult processors such as software support, lawyers, and project platform operators on a case-by-case basis.

The rights to information, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability, revocation, and objection are substantial. In the event that you have any further questions or if your details change, please inform us immediately. You can do so by writing us at:

The controller responsible for data processing is Otto Wagner Areal Revitalisierung GmbH, Messeplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, represented by DI Markus Zoller and Mag. Tatjana Gettinger. The data protection officer is Mag. jur. Siegfried Gruber, CISM (O.P.P.); email: